Sunday, November 1, 2009

i'm back....this time with guitar picks and chalk bags

Pride has long kept me from doing things I am not good at it. What a silly self absorption that presents the illusion of protecting me from failure. I have recently picked up two hobbies that are humbling me to say the least.

Guitar and Rock Climbing.

Patience=necessary for these two. My callused hands and crushed pride are begging for a new avocation. However, the spirit within me is easing at the fruit that comes when success is lacking. It's exhausting and invigorating.

Everyone should do something that reminds them they're not that awesome. It's nice and it points to the truth.


  1. Blessed be your name..oh yeah on the guitar, me on the piano..a humbling and glorious sound!

  2. I might have to come over to your house and learn how to play the drums!
