Monday, September 7, 2009

a writer is someone who writes even when it's bad

You've been warned. 

I have wanted to start a blog for a long time...But, the fear of being unoriginal and cliche always stopped me. Every once in a while I have the idea that I could do it...that I could write. Sometimes while folding laundry or stuffing things away in my all becomes a dance. I think...I should share this. I should write. But, then my creative thoughts get trampled on by doubt, insecurity, fear. There's no room for those things in writing. May the doubts never get in the way of the genuine. 

So. Here I am. 

"Be careful not to turn others' lives into the mold for our own. Allow God to be as creative with you as He is with each of us" -Crazy Love


  1. I love this quote. inspired. yep. i blog because of you :) hehe

  2. I'm so glad you have opened your heart and have started to write the things He is doing inside of you. precious. that is what you are.

    Many blessings...
